
What is it like to get a Couples Massage in Battersea?

Couples massage offered by Tantrictop is a new sensation in the spa & massage industry. It isn’t entirely different from a tantric or traditional massage, except the fact that this massage is enjoyed by partners in the same room. You can get this massage whilst lying next to your spouse or you can face each other. There will be two therapists tending to each of your needs, individually.

A couples massage offered by Tantrictop involves light music, dim lights, candles and the smell of aromatic oils and moisturisers. This massage therapy is generally shared as a romantic gift between partners. The massage can be a way to celebrate your anniversary or birthday. It can even be a way to make your partner feel special after he/she has had a hectic week.

When it comes to how it feels getting a couples massage in Battersea, it is all about the mood set by our experienced and fun loving therapists and also about the love that both of you share. It is a very difficult feeling when you see your partner being pampered and caressed by our masseuse in front of your eyes. The reactions given by your partner can be extremely arousing for both of you. It might be that your partner starts to moan in the middle of the massage session and the loud moans entering your ears makes you feel super horny. This is why couples massage is considered to be a way to stimulating and turning each other on, without even physically touching each other.

Apart from giving rise to horny feelings, our couples massage allows partners to explore and discover each other’s erogenous zones that they are unaware of before. The problem is that most people think an orgasm is key to coitus, but that isn’t right. It is a lot about enjoying the journey, until one or both of you orgasm. Usually, people try to stimulate the known erogenous zones. For instance, for women, it would be the breasts, behind the ears, in between the thighs and stomach. For men, it would be behind the neck, inner thighs, the scrotum and the phallus. But, these are not the only erogenous areas in the body. When the skin is touched a certain way and caressed, it can send tingling sensations across every inch of the body. After all, the skin is the largest sensual area in the body.

When our therapist is massaging, you can see how your partner reacts to being touched in certain areas of the body. This is going to give you ideas of how to touch him/her when you are being intimate.

Last, but not the least, our couples massages are extremely relaxing and both the partners are in a different zone by the time the massage ends. With the mind cleared of all worrying and anxious thoughts, it is easier for couples to concentrate on each other and rekindle their passion. It is often seen that after a massage, couples feel rejuvenated and they cannot keep them hands off of each other since they are already so turned on with all the moaning. They want to be the reason why the other person moans and seeing the therapist doing a great job makes the partner feel jealous. This is another reason why most patrons of couples massages say that they have had the best sex after a massage session. Both partners are riding on a different high and that makes the consummation so much more fun.

So, if you think that you need to do something special to get closer to your partner, it is recommended that you contact us for getting couples massages in Battersea. An outcall massage session would be recommended if you plan to have a really long, lustful night with your partner after the massage. You can also opt for an incall massage.

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